Super 2016

Next year is going to be EPIC!! Why? Because of this…

This is just super!

This is just super!

I don’t profess to know all there is to know about these superheroes but I have watched the movies and that’s about all I need for now, besides, I know about the same amount as you. There are the select few who know EVERYTHING about superheroes down to who made the paper that the comic book was printed on. To those I say, please comment and share your insight about these films.

Batman vs Superman

Can you feel the tension?

Can you feel the tension?

First off, Ben Affleck as Batman, I think that’s brilliant. He is a good actor, despite that whole Gigly mishap and he makes a pretty damn decent superhero, remember Daredevil? Secondly, I don’t think the world could quite handle another separate Batman or Superman movie… this had to happen and it will, in March 2016.

Suicide Squad

That cast tho!!

That cast tho!!

Jared Leto as the joker. And Will Smith as a bad ass Deadshot. Brilliant! Now, let this be known, Heath Ledger left some pretty big ass shoes for Leto to fill. But I have seen some infographics that depict that Leto’s joker is a different kind of joker than Ledger’s one was. Either way, Leto will be epic and I can’t wait till August 2016 to see it.

Captain America: Civil War

Indeed, whose side ARE you on?

Indeed, whose side ARE you on?

Again, 2 heroes fighting each other. This time it is 2 that, just last year, saved the world side by side in Avengers. Iron Man and duh, Captian Freedom himself. Why am I excited about this? Well because it’s Robert Downy Jr and Chris Evans. Now we get to see them battle it out in May 2016. Yeah!

X-Men: Apocalypse

Well looky looky

Well looky looky

I grew up with X-men, as a staple. Wolverine, Rogue, Gene, Cyclops, Dr X, all of them. Every time a new X came out I had to movie marathon before watching the next one. The marathon is now very long but as long as Hugh Jackman stays Wolverine, (which he is rumoured to do) I do not mind popping the corn and watching it all over again. And who can say no to a bit of Jennifer Lawrence? I will be taking a week off work to marathon X-men before it comes out also in May 2016.

The Sinister 6

Maybe they will still make it, for another year.

Maybe they will still make it, for another year.

Has been cancelled… but I think it would have been great. All the best Spiderman super villains in one movie, fighting against Spiderman. Why not?

Dr Strange

Strange indeed!

Strange indeed!

To be honest, I have never even heard of this superhero, BUT I have heard of Benedict Cumberbatch and Rachel McAdams and with them in this film what can go wrong? McAdams has proven herself to be a great comicbook type-ish actress in Sherlock Holmes so why not again, with another Holmes (Cumberbatch) in November 2016?


This is not an official movie poster, this is fan art, also not done by me.

This is not an official movie poster, this is fan art, also not done by me.

Now we get to the GREAT bits. And by bits I mean Channing Tatum. He is just my absolute favourite and it’s about time he gets to superhero it, along with the greats. The man can dance, he is hilarious, he can do soft and mushy (not my favourite but that’s probably just me), he does action like a beast. In my opinion he is beautifully talented and October 2016 I will be ready for that talent to melt my face. oh and just for funsies…





Express some RAGE!!

Express some RAGE!!

Of all the upcoming movies, this one is the one I am MOST looking forward to. To be released in Feb 2016. Ryan Reynolds comes back for a full feature film as Deadpool and it looks brilliant. Deadpool and Gambit should feature together… Ryan and Channing. How awesome would that be? Like Tatum, Reynolds is super funny, can do action like a vampire beast and theres the mushy stuff and also this…

Just, I mean, wow!

Just, I mean, wow!

I didn’t include a trailer for the other’s because 1) I don’t know if all of them have trailers yet, and 2) Deadpool’s trailer beats all.

Special Mention!!!

Finding Dory



What kind of cold hearted person would I be is Dory didn’t have a place on the superheroes list. She is definitely a superhero to me and I can’t wait to see Dory voices by the amazing Ellen DeGeneres in 2015, that’s right, we get to see it THIS YEAR! After a long ass wait, it’s about time Dory. But hey, maybe she forgot what she was doing a few times and had to start over the whole time.

So many awesome movies coming out in 2016.

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