Reblog of the week: A NOT so plastic-free, plastic-free July

I have a really good friend who is a huge inspiration when it comes to being more environmentally friendly, more zero waste and more minimalist. She started a blog, which I’ve been telling her to do for years now, cos she has some hard earned wisdom to share…

Please show some love and pop over to her blog.

via A NOT so plastic-free, plastic-free July


Swamp thing

I had this grand idea of writing and publishing 30 posts in 30 days… Yeah!!! It hasn’t exactly been going all that well.

I have been SWAMPED and, if I’m being totally honest, I’ve been lazy. In my mind, all I can imagine doing after work is vegging in front of my laptop watching Scrubs (you remember that show? You should. It’s freaking brilliant!)

Scrubs is a brilliant show, enough of the feels to make you nearly cry but then it turns it right back around with a Coxism or a JD daydream. It’s feel good and it needs to be watched by all people all the time, alongside Friends. I mean, who needs these new series or the 11th season of Grey’s Anatomy? Who needs to know what happens when winter finally gets here? I’ll just stick to the good ol… er… oldies. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Come now, Judith!!

Where was I? Oh yes, swamped. I tried being a blogging factory popping one out every day and for a bit there I did well… Till work and studies could no longer be ignored and I had to get deadlines and exams out of the way. See these things were interfering with my schedule of doing pretty much nothing. Ok, no, that’s a lie, I didn’t do nothing. Although, now I AM doing nothing which is the whole reason I am not getting to my 30 posts thing.

I’m not one for these personal insight kinda posts but I felt it needed some explanation, and I felt guilty. I feel guilty most days, everything I do is overshadowed by some form of guilt. Watching series, ‘You should be studying” buying ANYTHING “You should be saving‘ eating my fourth bag of chips that week, “I’m just here working on your will, since you’ll be dead soon because of that unhealthy shit’. The guilt is real and it’s everywhere.

So, on that note, I will try and write a post a day for the next few days. Don’t hold me to it tho, cos I’m still quite swamped.