Aggro with yourself!!

What does 2015 mean to you? I have seen many motivational pictures about people’s expectations for 2015. Like this one…

Isn't the game usually harder than practice? And isn't the warm up a breeze?

Isn’t the game usually harder than practice? And isn’t the warm up a breeze?

So, you have made some new goals? How serious are you about these goals? Are you going to see 2016 and have the same goals on your list? Or will you have reached them and revised them? We are already a month into 2015 and what have you done? Yes, what have you done?

You have this new place, a car, a job (same one, not like you left). Also, you are now a student, you decided to start exercising on your own because gym fees are ridiculously expensive and well, you know what to do. You have your health, you have your mind. And what are you doing?

You have all this time because you stopped all other extra-curricular activities, difficult as it was to face those closest to you and still hold your ground. You have a degree to pursue, you have a 6pack to pursue. So, why are you not studying? Why are you not exercising? Why on earth are you not being financially wise about spending decisions? When your fall back financial setting is no longer there? Why are you eating that bag of chips on the bed with your laptop showing you what you could be capable of if you – harnessed your chips eating energy, got off your fat ass and did something – Or, you know, if your name was Michael Weston and you used to be a spy, until “we got a burn notice on you, you’re blacklisted”. That man is amazing, I want to be a spy.

This show!! Love it!

This show!! Love it!

What are you waiting for? There is this song that hits me right in there with the conviction. Seriously, what are you waiting for? A lightning strike, the timing to be right, excuses, time, signs? WHAT?!

So then this happens, you end up being so aggro with yourself because you lack the focus and self-motivation (read discipline) to actually do something that would benefit your life in the long run. Microwave generation indeed. And there is NO ONE able to help you. No one can give you the kick you need because you are such a strong personality and you seem like you have it all together, but you suffer in silence, you struggle and end up going from aggro to rage to hate and where do you go from there?

On a lighter note, you stumble upon this emotional cesspool of a song…

… that also has the phrase “what are you waiting for?” there is just no escaping it. You end up wishing that you had the feels to feel what that song is about.  Only to find out that it will feature on the 50 Shades of Grey movie that comes out some time this month. You have stood your ground and refuse to read the book and will also refuse to watch the movie – for no other reason than to be upstream, but that song. Oh, that song just brings it all out and makes you wish for things that would just further draw your focus away.

Is that you?