Bye Bye Wonder Mobile…

Ok, for those wondering who or what Wonder Mobile is… it is my trusty donkey. The pack-horse of my life. Yes, it is my car. My very first blog is about Wonder Mobile and naturally I thought it was HILARIOUS. Kind of how a parent will always say that their baby is the most beautiful creature that could ever come from another human being, when in fact we all know that babies are not all that. (At least I have the guts to admit it)Anyways, totally of topic… so back to the car. The thing with 4 wheels that has caused me countless hours of stress and not enough hours of drinking.

Some more frightening stories about my wonder car is that I burst a tyre the other day. It has a hole the size of a R5 coin. How bizarre?? I suppose that’s what you get when you mount a curb the wrong way… at the wrong speed. 1… 2… 3… MOVING ALONG. Oh oh aaaand at one stage it sounded like I had an anaconda under da hood.

Python keeping warm...

Kinda like this but less real… and less crap-your-pants like.

You can now imagine that non of the street vendors would come near my car while at a robot. Which is kind of a score if you think about it. I mean how many  pairs of sunglasses does one REALLY need? Even if it is “Special price for you madam”. But I have had some good times in old Wonder. Went to Kokstad, went to Kenton-on-Sea. The car road trips like a trooper. Honda=die-hard. So in a sense I am sad to say good bye. BUT…

In 1 day I will be saying adios. It all happened so fast, a week ago I had a friend look at the car to give me a price on it and that self-same day he had found a buyer for it. Dang, the guy even wanted to buy it THAT DAY. Had I had another means of transportation I would not even have written this blog… I woulda been like “TAKE IT AWAY!!!” But I didn’t so I have been frantically looking for a new car. Now I know I have been wanting that cute little Kia Picanto, maar dis net te duur!!

Hyundai i10

I can deal with that…

SO… I’m thinking of getting a Hyundai i10. Look at it, it’s not that bad looking right? Plus its light on fuel and in South Africa where the fuel prices rise and fall like a pregnant female’s moods, ya kinda need a light fuel car. I’m not fond of the white though but it seems like Hyundai ran out of other colours so most of the i10’s are white  ah well.

So, as with a new baby, I want to give my new car a name. How about some ideas???

10 thoughts on “Bye Bye Wonder Mobile…

  1. Sad to see it leave, but happy to watch it go! All the fond memories in the Wonder Mobile… Anyone can say what they want about your skedonk – it still got you places. And… you met some new mechanic friends along the way 😉

    New names for the i10… hmmm…
    Well, I usually give my pets and inanimate objects human names. My car, for instance, is called Madonna. So it depends on your own preference – and if your car is male or female.

    _Wit blits – cliche but so what
    _Lu – for Lukraak. No? Ok then…
    _Jack – I just like the name Jack – wish I had something to call Jack
    _Bessie – again – sounds cute for a cute car
    _Matchbox – like Matchbox 20 – except its a 10 – play on words. Get it?
    _Vanilla – obvious choice if white
    _Milkybar – if white

    And I’ll have a more thorough think…

    *Copyright on all the above – pay me royalties if you like em 😉


    • Ag thank you for your ideas… I will look them over and negotiate a price for royalties if I do happen to use one of the names. As it stands it looks like I wont be getting the i10 either… soooo the search continues. Keep the name ideas coming though 😉


  2. Ek dink “wit blits”! I’ve seen the way you drive 😉 so appropriate 🙂 Baie bly jy kry ‘n nuwe karretjie 🙂


  3. Pingback: Moving along on 2 « lukraakvars

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